Intact Team Application

Mahalo for your interest in Manoa Youth Baseball League.

MYBL is currently accepting applications for intact teams for the 2025 Spring Season.

Please complete this form with your team's information and why you would like to join MYBL.

Once received, the MYBL Board will review your application and vote on a decision.

MYBL Board Sponsor
If no sponsor, please select "None"
Team Representative
Team Rep Email
Team Rep Cell
Incoming Season
Team Name
Incoming Division
Please select the division requesting to play in MYBL
Team Age Group
MYBL is currently reviewing intact teams for 7, 9, and 11 year old teams only.
Current League
Other League
If "Other" was selected from drop down, please enter current league
About Your Team
Please tell us about your team
Please tell us why you would like to play in Manoa
Board Determination
I understand that the MYBL Board will review this application and determine if our team can join MYBL
Double Roster
I understand that there is no double rostering allowed with other Cal Ripken leagues on Oahu.

Required Fields