Code of Ethics | players


PRINCIPLE I: Coaches; Officials; Parents; Fans

ARTICLE A: Players

  • Always place yours and teammates’ academic, emotional, physical and moral well-being above desires and pressures to win.
  • Do not attempt to circumvent these rules of baseball to take unfair advantage of an opponent, or deliberately be unsportsmanlike conduct has no place in coaching baseball.
  • Be the example for example for winning without boasting and losing without bitterness and thus earn the respect of other players.
  •  You will not use illegal or performance enhancing drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
  • Do not make unsportsmanlike or uncomplimentary remarks to coaches, opponents, umpires, or spectators. Taunting, boasting, and fighting demean individuals and the sport of baseball.
  • You will not use profanity, obscenities, and vulgar language Civil and respectful language is a mark of community and maturity.
  • Your actions will uphold the integrity and reputation of the team, institution, and the sport of baseball at Manoa Youth Baseball League.

ARTICLE B: Coaches & Officials

  • Respect and support your coaches, umpires, scorers, and others charged with conducting the game.
  • You will not address uncomplimentary remarks to any coach or official during a game, or to indulge in conduct which might incite players or spectators against the coach or officials.

ARTICLE C: Parents & Fans

  • Treat the parents and family of players with respect; be courteous to the opponents while still maintaining enthusiasm and support for your team.

PRINCIPLE II: Responsibility to the Institution

 ARTICLE A: Institutional Integrity

  • Uphold and maintain the integrity and dignity of Manoa Youth Baseball League. Discuss problems with your parents, coach and/or MYBL board in a respectful manner, and then accept and support decisions that have been reached.

PRINCIPLE III: Responsibility to the Rules and Integrity of Baseball


  • Maintain a thorough knowledge of the rules of the game and assure that you continue to learn and understand the rules of baseball.
  • Know and abide by the letter and the spirit of all baseball rules and those relating to eligibility, recruitment, transfers, practices and other provisions regulating competition.

ARTICLE B: Integrity of the Game

  • Communicate to with your teammates a respect and reverence for the sport of baseball and never to knowingly bring shame or dishonor to the game.

PRINCIPLE IV: Professional Responsibility

ARTICLE A: Relationships

  • Maintain appropriate respectful relationships with players, managers, and respect proper coach/player boundaries.
  • Treat news media with courtesy, honesty, and respect.
  • Conduct yourselves in interviews in the best interest of the team and the game.
  • Any disciplinary, academic, or personal problems are “family affairs” and not to be made public.
  • Do not be associated in any way with professional gamblers and should not be present where gambling on team sports is encouraged or permitted.
  • Act toward other players and manners in a manner characterized by courtesy, good faith, and respect.
  • Uphold your responsibility to baseball by bringing inconsistent or unethical behavior of others to the attention of appropriate regulatory committees in a manner consistent with this code, but only if informal resolution or correcting the situation is not appropriate or possible.

PRINCIPLE V: Personal Responsibility

ARTICLE A: Trustworthiness

  • Model high ideals of sportsmanship and always pursue victory with honor while showing and advocating good character. Strive to be yourself worthy of trust while showing other players the importance of integrity, honesty, reliability, and loyalty.

ARTICLE B: Respect

  • Treat all people with respect at all times and require the same of the parents, coaches, and umpires.
  • Do not engage in, or permit, profanity, vulgarities, obscene gestures, trash talking, taunting, boastful celebration, or other actions that demean individuals, or the sport of baseball, or reflect badly on the team and institution. Refrain from physical or psychological intimidation, verbal abuse, and any conduct that is demeaning to players.

ARTICLE C: Fairness and Caring

  • Be fair in competitive situations, disciplinary issues, and all other matters, and be open-minded and willing to listen and learn.
  • Demonstrate concern for your teammates, coaches, fans, and umpires as individuals and encourage them to look out for one another.
  • Put safety and health considerations above the desire to win, and never intentionally injure an opponent or engage in reckless behavior that might cause injury to yourselves or others.

THEREFORE: We strongly encourage all members of the Manoa Youth Baseball League to place the highest priority on upholding and modeling the moral and ethical values of HONESTY, INTEGRITY, RESPECT, DISCIPLINE, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, AND FAIRNESS.

The MYBL Code of Ethics was unanimously approved by the MYBL Board on January 23th, 2021, in Honolulu, HI.

Player Mantra

I, [Player Name], will...

  • honor the sport and rules of baseball
  • practice good sportsmanship and play with HONESTY, INTEGRITY, DISCIPLINE, RESPONSIBILITY, RESPECT, and FAIRNESS
  • pursue victory with honor while showing and advocating good character because I represent myself, my family, and the Manoa Youth Base­ball League
  • thank my coaches, parents, family (and umpires when appropriate) after every game and practice for the opportunity to play baseball. Playing MYBL is a privilege.
  • treat the field and my equipment with dignity by helping put away, rake and drag the infield after games and practices, and treating my gear with respect. Playing baseball is a privilege.