PRINCIPLE I: Coaches; Officials; Parents; Fans
ARTICLE A: Players
ARTICLE B: Coaches & Officials
ARTICLE C: Parents & Fans
PRINCIPLE II: Responsibility to the Institution
ARTICLE A: Institutional Integrity
PRINCIPLE III: Responsibility to the Rules and Integrity of Baseball
ARTICLE B: Integrity of the Game
PRINCIPLE IV: Professional Responsibility
ARTICLE A: Relationships
PRINCIPLE V: Personal Responsibility
ARTICLE A: Trustworthiness
ARTICLE B: Respect
ARTICLE C: Fairness and Caring
THEREFORE: We strongly encourage all members of the Manoa Youth Baseball League to place the highest priority on upholding and modeling the moral and ethical values of HONESTY, INTEGRITY, RESPECT, DISCIPLINE, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, AND FAIRNESS.
The MYBL Code of Ethics was unanimously approved by the MYBL Board on January 23th, 2021, in Honolulu, HI.
I, [Player Name], will...